【非逛不可】 kiddy 嬰兒提籃 evo-luna i-Size 2,含底座kiddy isofix base 2




但一些該買的還是要買,這次買的是 【非逛不可】 kiddy 嬰兒提籃 evo-luna i-Size 2,含底座kiddy isofix base 2

經過了【非逛不可】 kiddy 嬰兒提籃 evo-luna i-Size 2,含底座kiddy isofix base 2









Kiddy evo-luna i-Size 2 including kiddy Isofix Base 2 設計式樣: Mountain Blue · 2018

The unique kiddy evo-luna i-Size 2 has proved to be successful and was awarded test winner in the current assessment of Stiftung Warentest 2018. This outstanding result was achieved by its unique selling points - the lying function in the car and its usability as travel system. Modern colours, trendy details and a very special message contribute to its distinctiveness.

Group / weight category:非逛不可不能不逛
  • Suitable from birth and up
  • Body size: 0 to 83 cm
Conforms to standard:

  • ECE R 129 ("i-Size")
The first infant car seat with recline function in the car was specially designed to meet the needs of newborn babies and infants. Functionality and comfort ensure maximum body support and breathability. That way, your little one is provided with a recline position that keeps him/ her flat, relaxed and calm - even on longer car journeys.

The kiddy evo-luna i-size 2 can only be used in conjunction with the kiddy Isofix base 2. Installing them in your car is both easy and safe. An indicator on the support foot and on the base shows you whether the base and the infant car seat have been installed correctly.

The kiddy evo-luna i-size 2 is perfect for offering your child optimum protection and a healthy lying position when riding in the car. By flipping the ergonomic carrying handle, a slatted frame inside the infant car seat moves upward and thus provides your little passenger with a flat lying position. The shock-absorbing slatted frame contributes to even ventilation which prevents your little one from sweating on his/ her back.

The kiddy evo-luna i-size provides your little one with a healthy start into life. Its new, soft padded fabrics in the seat and head area make your child feel cosily warm and comfortable at all times. warmth and comfort. Energy-absorbing layer on the inside of the car seat's shell as well as and additionally fixed components on the outer sides contribute to the infant car seat's maximum side impact protection.

Its extravagant appearance turns the kiddy evo-luna i-Size 2 into a real eye-catching companion. The latest collection features new, vibrant colours. The Grey Melange Collection, for instance, takes up the current trend perfectly. Choose your favourite model! If you love the unusual and unique coupled with maximum safety, easy handling and healthy sleeping comfort, then kiddy's infant car seat evo-luna i-Size 2 is just the right choice for you and your child.

2020熱門商品超人氣商品The dots on the fabrics refer to Morse code and translate as: "Kiddy - we love our kids".

評價比價Due to the simple height adjustment of the belt as well as the various cosy and soft padded textile inserts, the infant car seat can be adapted perfectly to the size of your child. The built-in, continuously adjustable maxi sun canopy supplies your little explorer with a shady spot and protects him/ her from harmful environmental stimuli.

The hard-wearing cover is easy to change and washable.

Do you like being mobile and active? Naturally the kiddy evo-luna i-size 2 can be combined with the matching adapters and thus turned into a travel system. kiddy also provides the opportunity to attach their revolutionary infant car seat evo-luna to various strollers of other renowned manufacturers (not included in delivery!).

  • Suitable from birth and up/ 0 - 83cm
  • Conforms to ECE R 129 ("i-Size")
  • Usable only in conjunction with the kiddy Isofix base 2 (included in delivery)
  • Easy installation due to kiddy Isofix base 2.
  • Indicators confirm correct installation
  • Recline function in car can also be used: finally, lying in a healthy and flat position is possible
  • Built-in continuously adjustable maxi sun canopy
  • Energy-absorbing side protectors for optimum side impact protection
  • Patented KLF technology: maximum body support and breathability
  • Shock-absorbing slatted frame
  • Can be used as a travel system - adaptor available as accessory
  • Particularly low lying angle: provides healthy sleep while being on the go
  • 人氣商品開箱文
  • Extra soft padded fabric inlay: cosy warmth and comfort
  • Durable cover: easy-to-change and washable
  • Weight of infant car seat: 4.9 kg
  • Weight Isofix base 2: 6.0 kg




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【非逛不可】 kiddy 嬰兒提籃 evo-luna i-Size 2,含底座kiddy isofix base 2
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團購評價怎麼樣, 【非逛不可】 kiddy 嬰兒提籃 evo-luna i-Size 2,含底座kiddy isofix base 2
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團購 開箱文, 【非逛不可】 kiddy 嬰兒提籃 evo-luna i-Size 2,含底座kiddy isofix base 2
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